AH - Attack Helicopter (Apache)
AH stands for Attack Helicopter (Apache)
Here you will find, what does AH stand for in Military.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Attack Helicopter (Apache)? Attack Helicopter (Apache) can be abbreviated as AH What does AH stand for? AH stands for Attack Helicopter (Apache). What does Attack Helicopter (Apache) mean?Attack Helicopter (Apache) is an expansion of AH
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Alternative definitions of AH
- American History
- Authentication Header
- Attack Helicopter
- Ampere Hours
- Attack Helicopter
- Affordable Housing
- Attack Helicopter
- Andy Hilfiger
View 235 other definitions of AH on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- AH 64 Attack Helicopter 64
- AHCA Additional Housing Cost Allowance
- AHCP Ad-Hoc Collective Protection
- AHD Ad Hoc Duties (type of reserve service)
- AHE Ammunition Handling Equipment
- AHEAD Advanced Hit Efficiency And Destruction
- AHEM Association of Hydraulic Equipment Manufacturers
- AHIP Army Helicopter Improvement Programme
- AHIT Advanced Hover Intercept Technology
- AHP Allied Hydrographic Publication
- AHQ Allied Headquarters